
Showing posts from May, 2022

Samādhi - A progression from thoughts to thoughtlessness

The word Samādhi is made up of three words, 'Sam' which means together or integrated, 'ā' means towards and 'dhā' which means to acquire integration or wholeness or truth. In the Yoga Sutra, Patañjali defines Samādhi as follows: tadeva arthamātra nirbhāsaṁ svarūpaśūnyamiva samādhiḥ - 3.3  The meaning of the sūtra is Samādhi is the state of experience when the object of meditation alone shines such that one's own true form is absent. In the Yoga sūtra, Samādhi is also called Samāpattih and Samprajñātah.  Another way of understanding it is a state of mind clear as a crystal when the activities of the mind reduce, thereby portraying the object of meditation as it is. In this state the object, the mind and the knower become one. This explanation is taken from the sūtra quoted below, kṣīṇavṛtteh abhijātasya iva maṇeh grahītṛgrahaṇagrāhyeṣu tatstha tadañjanatā samāpattiḥ॥ -1.41 Types of Samādhi There are six types of Samādhi according to the Yoga Sutra. The differ

Bridging Ancient Wisdom with Modern Education

Education is the eternal treasure that molds one's character and helps in evolving one's consciousness, transforming the individual, society and the nation at a large. Modern day education focuses on exams, degrees and certificates. No doubt it helps one earn a livelihood but, is it truly transforming one's life and way of thinking at all levels? Is it holistic? These are some of the questions we need to ask ourselves.   A famous Sanskrit quote says,  "नास्ति विद्यासमो बन्धुर्नास्ति विद्यासमः सुहृत् । नास्ति विद्यासमं वित्तं नास्ति विद्यासमं सुखम् ॥" " Nāsti Vidyāsamo bandhur Nāsti vidyāsamaḥ suhrut | Nāsti vidyasamaṁ vittaṁ nāsti vidyasamaṁ sukhaṁ"  ||  There is no relative like education, no better friend than education. There is no wealth equivalent to education and no happiness equal to it. " This quote glorifies the importance of education. When it holds so much of prominence, those in charge of passing on knowledge should do it in the best way